Recording Intensive Interaction Outcomes
Welcome to RIIO
The site dedicated to information about the online tool for Recording Intensive Interaction Outcomes as endorsed by the Intensive Interaction Institute.
The tool is currently under development. If you would like to register your interest for when it becomes available, please send an email to us.
We will then keep you informed of its progress.
The story of RIIO
The original idea for reporting on the outcomes of the activity engendered by Intensive Interaction was conceived and developed by Dr Julie Calveley in association with Dr Dave Hewett and the Intensive Interaction Institute.
Julie is the author of 'The Intensive Interaction Outcomes Reporter', Chapter 8 of the new Intensive Interaction Handbook:
Hewett, D. (Ed) (2018), INTENSIVE INTERACTION HANDBOOK, 2nd ed., London, Sage Publications Ltd.
It is available to purchase from the Intensive Interaction Institute Shop
Initial research carried out by Julie substantiated the need for a reporting tool which recorded and celebrated progress and achievement where Intensive Interaction is used as the primary approach to the development of the early stages of social communication.
The chapter explains the rationale behind the Reporter and gives examples of how the tool can be used to record and report evidence of Intensive Interaction progress outcomes.
The emphasis on what is recorded is described as 'qualitative data' which Julie explains in some detail in the chapter.
RIIO (Recording Intensive Interaction Outcomes) develops this a stage further in allowing the original tool's structure and content to be available online.
Intensive Interaction is known and used world-wide, including in Germany, Greece, Finland, Denmark and Australia. RIIO will be available in the native language of the country of the user.
Essential to the design of RIIO is its ease of use, its powerful reporting facilities and its ability to enhance future versions with additional features requested by users.
Julie will take the lead in what future content features will be available - through education, feedback and research - whilst staying true to the original concept of recording 'qualitative data'.
Find out more about Intensive Interaction
You can find out more about Intensive Interaction by visiting the website of the Intensive Interaction Institute.
Here are some examples of RIIO data entry pages
The first image shows the starting page for an individual. Each subsequent sample shows the person making the recording, the first date that the recording was made and the date of the latest entry.
The Dashboard for an individual
Initial Observations (in Edit Mode)
Main Observations (Space Tab)
Main Observations (in Edit Mode - Self-involved Tab)
Main Observations (in Edit Mode - Self-security Tab)
Main Observations (Vocalising Tab)